
Problema com Quota Windows

Caso alguem já tenha se deparado com divergência na utilização da quota no Windows isso é um Bug que muitas vezes poder ser resolvido com um scan na quota, segue abaixo link na Microsoft com os comandos.

dirquota quota scan /path: [/remote:]



Problema Clipboard Windows 2012 r2

Se encontrarem problemas ao copiar texto para terminal service Windows 2012 r2, verificar a policy abaixo.

….Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Device and Resource Redirection.
I found that every one of the items were listed as Not Configured.  This normally would be correct one would think.

Apparently this has to be configured to either Enabled (force those features off) or DISABLED to force those features to work. If you leave at Not Configured that is the same as features are OFF.
I made the Clipboard and Drive Redirection set to DISABLED. And now my clipboard and drives map correctly. I tested this on 4 different 2012 servers and every one of them didn't work, but after making this change they now work.


Comportamento Maquina Virtual XenDesktop 7.5 e 7.6

Sintomas quando você em uma estação via XenDesktop (VDI) simplesmente  solicita restart na mesma e ela faz shutdown, este comportamento pode ser alterando rodando um comando via PowerShell.

Segue procedimento

1.Click the blue PowerShell icon on the taskbar or navigating to PowerShell from the Start menu to start a PowerShell session on XenDesktop.

2.Run the following command to load the Citrix Modules:

ASNP Citrix.*

3.Run the following command to list all the Desktop Groups in the environment and the respective properties:

Get-BrokerDesktopGroup4.Run the following commands to either enable or disable the power action of the Desktop, respectively:

Set-BrokerDesktopGroup -Name "Desktop Group Name" -ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse $True
Set-BrokerDesktopGroup -Name "Desktop Group Name" -ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse $False

Error Converter VmWare TimeOut

Segue o procedimento executado para corrigir o problema do converter que finalizava com timeout.
Alterar a chave de registro FactoryPreInstallInProgress para 0

Obs.: Por precaução faça backup da chave antes em caso de rollback

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