
Cloud Europe 2011

Segue link www.cloudexpoeurope.com para quem quiser ter uma ideía do que vai rola no Cloud Europe 2011


Curso e Documentos Citrix

Vai uma dica segue dois links muito interresante para quem tem interresse em conhecer o produto da Citrix e fazer algumas certificações.

http://citrixxperience.com/ e http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/index.jsp

Frase da Semana

O maior prazer de um homem inteligente é bancar o idiota diante de um idiota que banca o inteligente


Frase da Semana

É impossível criar coisas à prova de erros, os idiotas são muito inventivos, acreditem eles se superam a cada dia.


Virtualização Servidor CITRIX em VMware

Segue algumas dicas de boas práticas para criação de servidores virtuais Citrix


Virtual Infrastructure VMware (ESX)
* Windows 2003 Std (or Enterprise) Edition R2 (x86, not x64)
* Citrix Presentation Server

* First this: it all depends on the applications used! Context switches is the key here...
* Use Windows 2003, not Windows 2000
* Don’t P2V your servers, but use clean templates
* Make sure the correct HAL (single or multi) is installed in the virtual machine. Otherwise, your vCPU will spike.
* Always assign 1vCPU. If necessary, add a 2nd vCPU. Do not use 4 vCPUs!
* Use 2 GB to start. Scale up to +-4 GB of vRAM if necessary
* Use 1 .vmdk for your system partition (C:\ or other remapped drive letter) and 1 separate .vmdk for your program files.
* Put the page file on the 2nd .vmdk
* Important: disconnect any .iso file in your virtual CD-Rom
* Use roaming profiles and cleanup your profiles at logoff
* Disable sound for your published apps
* Install the UPH service (download it here)
* User sessions: for me, 30 users on a VM is the sweet spot. Do not expect to get as many users on it as on a physical box!
* Scale out, not up. A major advantage of VM is to clone/NewSID/sysprep existing servers and put them into your existing Citrix farm. Just stop & disable your IMA service, clean up your RMLocalDB (if you use enterprise) and NewSid the thing. Refer to this support article for more info.
* Use dual core or quad core systems. This because ESX will have more CPU to schedule its vCPUs on.
* Don’t ever use a 2 vCPU Citrix virtual machine in a 2 pCPU physical machine!
* Do not install the memory ballooning driver while installing the VMware Tools
* Do not use a complete installation Vmware tools: there is an issue with roaming profiles and the shared folders component. See my previous article for more info.
* Disable COM ports, hyperthreading, visual effects & use speedscreen technology where possible.
* Use snapshots when installing applications or patching your servers (yes! With VMware you can do this!). In case of disaster, you can still revert to the original working server without using backups. Make sure all snapshots are removed ASAP when finished!
* Always check that there are no snapshot leftovers (f.e. the infamous _VCB-BACKUP_ when using VCB)
* Don’t forget you can use DRS rules to run your citrix servers on separate physical hosts.
* Check out this vmworld 2006 presentation
* And last but not least: do not forget to read ESX's (excellent) performance tuning white paper.

Dicas Site


Usuário Windows

Segue script de como criar um BAT para criação de usuário em servidor Windows muito útil quando se tem um ambiente grande onde é necessário administrar vários server

@echo off
net user /add
user /expires:never password /fullname:"Admin Server" /comment:"Conta de Administracao Ambiente" > nul
if not %errorlevel%==0 Echo Conta existe
if %errorlevel%==0 net localgroup administrators
user /add


3 Componentes críticos do Projeto de Sucesso

Curso gratuito em inglês Grátis onde aborda os 3 Componentes principais para sucesso de um projeto com, inicio em 1 de Abril

Segue link www.webfishery.com/journyx/journyx01.php?q=sh

Extending Microsoft® Project™

Uma dica para quem quer se aperfeiçoar na ferramenta Microsoft Project um curso Grátis (somente em inglês).

Segue link www.webfishery.com/journyx/journyx01.php?q=sh


Cloud storage / CloudArray

Segue um texto abaixo muito interessante sobre o assunto (inglês)

Cloud storage / CloudArray Use Cases – Significant Cost and Operational Benefits (Video)

Customers are leading the charge in how CloudArray and Cloud storage are getting deployed and discovering their benefits. We captured two customer use cases in a video (link to video provided below) using CloudArray software together with Cloud storage. There are not may documented Cloud storage use cases on the Web for mid-sized and global companies, so this video and its contents should provide interesting data points for those of you considering to augment your current application infrastructure with Cloud storage. The focus of these customer use cases are more on the impact of applications as opposed to using Cloud storage for file/print or as a specific tier of storage.

The video also gets into the reasons why companies need an IT infrastructure that is dynamic and can respond quickly to changing business needs. The video outlines several categories of business applications that are driving rapid data growth and require a more dynamic storage infrastructure to accommodate this growth.

Topping the charts, we see data protection, DR and collaborative applications impacting storage growth the most. Some analyst firms predict rapid data growth in the coming years and companies need to not only plan for today’s requirements, but the demands of tomorrow.

Many arguments can be made that Cloud storage indeed reduces the amount of on-premise infrastructure needed to accommodate growth for data protection and DR applications. The facts are the facts. Leveraging Cloud storage reduces necessary capital for IT expansion. And it drives efficiency and reduces operational costs.

The video describes an high level overview of CloudArray software. It shows how CloudArray enables businesses to seamlessly integrate in-house applications to Cloud storage without any changes to applications or programming to Cloud storage APIs. A list is provided of the host virtualization platforms it operates on such as VMware, Citrix and Microsoft. CloudArray supports public cloud providers such as Amazon, AT&T and EMC. The hosts that are supported are Windows, Linux, Mac and HP-UX.

One of the key points of the video is that CloudArray presents iSCSI block storage to applications in the form of data volumes. This means any existing in-house application can seamlessly integrate with Cloud storage. The video describes the policies of CloudArray volumes in that they are user-definable for caching and replication.

link Video


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