
Corrigindo XML no Citrix


This article explains the XML Service.

The Citrix XML Service was introduced with MetaFrame 1.8 Service Pack 2 and a Feature Release 1 license needed to be installed. MetaFrame XP and later incorporates the Citrix XML Service as a standard feature.

When MetaFrame 1.8 Service Pack 2 or later is installed and the server rebooted, the Citrix XML Service binaries are placed on the system whether the Citrix XML Service was or was not installed. All that must be done to complete the Citrix XML Service installation is to register the XML Service itself by running the ctxxmlss command.

Unlike MetaFrame XP or later, MetaFrame 1.8 does not allow for the sharing of port 80 with IIS.

CTXXMLSS.EXE Command Line Usage

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