
Corrida Hacker para IPhone

Muito curioso o que está acontecendo no “submundo hack”. Um verdadeiro exército de programadores está se movimentando com dois objetivos básicos: superar o processo de ativação do iPhone, o que possibilitaria utilizar o aparelho (apenas como um iPod, sem linha) sem precisar de um plano da AT&T. Uma vez concluída esta tarefa, o próximo passo seria “destravar” o iPhone, o que possibilita que ele seja utilizado por qualquer operadora. Essa é a transcrição dos avanços até o momento:
10:53  ok
10:53 10:59am
10:53 update
10:53 we have been successful in a number of endeavors in the past 12
10:54 we can read files on the phone but we're in a sandbox
10:54 we're pretty sure we can break out, most of the guys didn't sleep
for over 24h yesterday so they are resting now
10:54 we can call services on the phone but can't yet stop the firewall
10:55 we can spoof itunes and mobiledevice very easily now
10:55 specifically we need someone really good at function prototyping
10:55 but other than that
10:55 we are moving right along
10:55 i am not sure but I think we have broken activation
10:55 need another few words on that to make sure I am right
10:55 unlocking is still on the horizon
10:56 we need to get real access to the phone first
10:56 and while we have limited access
10:56 we don't really have the keys to the castle yet
10:56 i'll update again in a few hours after some folks have woken up and
we have done some more work
fonte: updateordie

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