Sobre Problema de formatação de Disco LUN no Windows Server 2012 onde fica muito lento para formatar, explicando que este sintoma tivemos principalmente em servidores com Vplex da EMC, porém identificamos que trata-se de uma alteração que deve-se fazer no servidor Windows conforme abaixo
Desabilitando a funcionalidade “TRIM"
From the Windows desktop, click the Windows button and type Cmd.exe into "Search programs and files." The command prompt program will appear at the top of the window.
1. Right-click on the program and click Run as Administrator.
2. Within the command prompt enter the fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify command. The command should return "DisableDeleteNotify = 0" which indicates TRIM is turned on.
3. Enter the fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 1 command. This will disable TRIM.
4. Run the format with the Quick option. This will run the regular quick format without any Unmap reclaims.
5. Once the format operation is complete, re-enable TRIM by entering the fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 0 command.