
Scprit VBS Apagar arquivo por extensão

Segue script em VBS que apaga arquivos pela extensão exemplo *.mp3, *.avi, 

strPasta="D:\temp" (Coloca o caminho ele vai verificar a raiz e subpastas)

set FSo = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


Sub Apagar_Arquivos(Pasta)

set folder = FSO.getFolder (Pasta)

if folder.Subfolders.count > 0 then
  for each SubFolder in folder.Subfolders
   Apagar_Arquivos SubFolder
end if

for each file in folder.files
set objFile = FSO.GetFile(file)
if FSO.GetExtensionName(objFile) = "wav" or FSO.GetExtensionName(objFile) = "mp3" then    (Só colocar aqui a extesão do arquivo que vc deseja deletar)
end if

end sub

Configuração Exclusão Antivirus

Segue recomendações para exclusão de diretório e arquivos para serem retirados do antivírus, boas praticas Microsoft 

Enterprise Configuration Recommendations:
  • KB822158 Virus scanning recommendations for Enterprise computers that are running currently supported versions of Windows
Windows / Active Directory:
Hyper-V, System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM):
Virtual PC / Virtual Server:
Forefront: Considerations when using antivirus software on FF Edge Products
Configuration Manager 2007:
Configuration Manager 2012:

Team Foundation Server 2010/2012/2013:
Dynamics CRM:  
Windows Update:
WSUS (Windows Server Update Services):
System Center:
Data Protection Manager:
Lync 2010
Dynamics AX

       For versions up to AX 2009 exclude: 

1.        All the AOD, AOI, ADD, ADI, KHD & KHI files, or 
2.        alternatively, the whole application folder
       See for instance:        http://blogs.msdn.com/b/czdaxsup/archive/2010/05/13/ax-application-files-locked-by-another-process.aspx
Note: Doing this helps make sure that the files are not locked when the AOS must use them. However, if these files become infected, your antivirus software will not be able to detect the infection.

BizTalk Server
See recommendations in BizTalk performance optimization guides:
Mentioned executables used by BizTalk includes EntSSO.exe, MSDTC.exe, BTSNTSvc.exe, BTSNTSvc64.exe, SQLServr.exe, but also others as IIS, Customer WCF services, MSMQ, Rule Engine, SQL Agent, SSIS, SSNS and other applications used in integration scenarios.

Other great compilations

Disabel IPv6 / Desabilitar IPb6

Artigo sobre desabilitar IPv6

The Argument against Disabling IPv6 
It is unfortunate that some organizations disable IPv6 on their computers running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, where it is installed and enabled by default. Many disable IPv6-based on the assumption that they are not running any applications or services that use it. Others might disable it because of a misperception that having both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled effectively doubles their DNS and Web traffic. This is not true. 
From Microsoft's perspective, IPv6 is a mandatory part of the Windows operating system and it is enabled and included in standard Windows service and application testing during the operating system development process. Because Windows was designed specifically with IPv6 present, Microsoft does not perform any testing to determine the effects of disabling IPv6. If IPv6 is disabled on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or later versions, some components will not function. Moreover, applications that you might not think are using IPv6—such as Remote Assistance, HomeGroup, DirectAccess, and Windows Mail—could be. 
Therefore, Microsoft recommends that you leave IPv6 enabled, even if you do not have an IPv6-enabled network, either native or tunneled. By leaving IPv6 enabled, you do not disable IPv6-only 
applications and services (for example, HomeGroup in Windows 7 and DirectAccess in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are IPv6-only) and your hosts can take advantage of IPv6-enhanced connectivity. 
The official statement was always: supported ( via DisabledComponents) but not recommended. 
A recomendação é de desabilitar com a chave de registry: 
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